Meteorological station Masada, Dead Sea, Israel

• 3-component wind measurements (u,v,w) by propeller anemometer at 9 m height (Gill);
• temperature measurement at 2 m and 9 m height (HMP 35);
• humidity measurement at 2 m and 9 m height (HMP 35);
• total radiation from upper and lower half space (Schulze);
• short wave radiation from upper and lower half space [Albedometer] (Kipp und Zonen);
• air pressure (Setra);
• soil heat flux (Rimco HP3);
• Campbell data logger with multiplexer and GSM data link;
• precipitation measurements (Hellmann) [0.2 mm]
• soil surface temperature sensor (KT 15);
• dust measurements (mass concentration, Beta-meter)

Location: Masada, Israel
Identifier: MET 1
Measuring interval: 10 min
Actualization of the data: 24h
Data transfer Israel -> Germany: 24 h

Station failures:
18.12.2011 - 3.2.2012
25.07.2011 - 03.10.2011