Short portrait of the teachers
Name Lectures Contact Portrait
Theoretical Meteorology 3 (WS), Theoretical Meteorology 4 (WS).
Energy Meteorology (SS)  
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions (WS), Energetics (WS), Synoptics 1 (WS), Meteorological Beginners Course (SS), General Atmospheric Circulation (SS), Synoptics 2 (SS).
Climate Modeling and Dynamics with ICON (WS), Seminar on IPCC Assessment Report (WS), Climatology (SS)
Theoretical Meteorology 1 (WS), Cloud Physics (WS), Theoretical Meteorology 2 (SS), Numerical Methods in Meteorology (SS)
Turbulent Diffusion (SS)
Middle Atmosphere in the Climate System (WS), Atmospheric Radiation (WS), Advanced Meteorological Practicals (SS)
Atmospheric Radiation (WS)
Instrumentation (WS), Theoretical Meteorology 4 (WS), Numerical Methods in Meteorology (SS)
Amadeus Bramsiepe
Numerical Weather Prediction (WS), Statistics (WS), Tropical Meteorology (WS), Advanced Numerical Weather Prediction (SS).
General Meteorology (WS)
Climate Modelling and Dynamics with ICON (WS), Seminar on IPCC Report (WS)
Atmospheric Aerosols (WS), Advanced Meteorological Practicals (SS)
Physics of Planetary Atmospheres (WS)  
Atmospheric Chemistry (SS)  
Arctic Climate System (WS), Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and Ocean (SS)
Middle Atmosphere in the Climate System (WS), Physics of Planetary Atmospheres (WS)
1 additional person visible within KIT only.

Lecturers with teaching assignment

Name Employer Courses Contact Portrait
Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt
Team Leader Energy Meteorology
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Networked Energy Systems
(SS) Energy Meteorology
+49 441 99906-463