Dr Christian Grams appointed ECMWF Fellow

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) appointed seven highly respected scientists, including Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leader Dr Christian Grams, as new Fellows.

The programme aims to foster and formalise links with individuals who are carrying out pioneering scientific and technical research in areas relevant to the strategic goals of ECMWF. The prestigious 3-year ECMWF fellowship, starting this January, will allow Dr Christian Grams and his research group to collaborate even more closely on process-oriented research of sub-seasonal prediction with colleagues at ECMWF. It will involve regular scientific exchange, research visits at ECMWF in Reading (as soon as the pandemic situation allows it), joint publications and reports (outcomes of prior collaborations are listed below), and access to ECMWF’s databases and computing facilities. The Fellowship will be hosted in the “Earth System Predictability Section” led by Dr Magdalena Balmaseda. Dr Frédéric Vitart, a world-leading expert on sub-seasonal atmospheric predictability, will serve as direct host. “With the even stronger collaboration, we will hopefully make rapid progress in the next few years in expanding and better exploiting forecast skill on sub-seasonal timescales”, says Dr Grams and adds “We are really looking forward to exciting research together with colleagues at ECMWF”.

Julian Quinting and Dominik Büeler


Grams, C. M., L. Magnusson, and L. Ferranti, 2020: How to make use of weather regimes in extended-range predictions for Europe. ECMWF. https://www.ecmwf.int/en/newsletter/165/meteorology/how-make-use-weather-regimes-extended-range-predictions-europe.

Grams, C. M., L. Magnusson, and E. Madonna, 2018: An atmospheric dynamics perspective on the amplification and propagation of forecast error in numerical weather prediction models: A case study. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 144, 2577–2591, doi:10.1002/qj.3353.

Quinting, J. F., and F. Vitart, 2019: Representation of Synoptic-Scale Rossby Wave Packets and Blocking in the S2S Prediction Project Database. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 1070–1078, doi:10.1029/2018GL081381.

Schäfler, A., and Coauthors, 2018: The North Atlantic Waveguide and Downstream Impact Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, 1607–1637, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0003.1.


Picture: KIT Amadeus Bramsiepe