
Übersicht über aktuell angebotene B.Sc. und M.Sc. Abschlussarbeitsthemen sowie bereits absolvierte B.Sc. und M.Sc. Arbeiten.
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Aktuelle Themenangebote

Topic related with renewable energy systems

A range of topics is currently offered at the interface between meteorology, hydrology, and energy, including two topics from our group. Please find more information here.

Identifying 3D-turbulence structures from Doppler Lidar data in J-WADI field campaign

  • Post-process Doppler Lidar data from J-WADI field campaign
  • Analyze and combine information on turbulent wind patterns from horizontally and vertically scanning Lidar systems
  • Relate identified turbulence patterns with dust transport patterns
  • Collaborate with international team

Start date: as soon as possible
Thesis type: B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis (depending on expertise)

Dynamics of mineral dust in the inlet of an aerosol spectrometer

Announcement: https://www.istm.kit.edu/english/theses_1906.php
This thesis will be conducted in collaboration with the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (ISTM).

  • Numerical modeling of particle motion inside the inlet of an aerosol measurement device with OpenFOAM
  • Quantification of inlet efficiencies depending on particle size for different inlets

Start date: as soon as possible
Thesis type: M.Sc. thesis

Meteorological drivers of dust events during J-WADI field campaign, Jordan 2022

  • Numerical modeling with ICON-ART
  • Evaluation of model results against observations

Start date: as soon as possible
Thesis type: B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis (depending on expertise)

Size-distribution variability of aerodynamically emitted dust

  • Estimate dust emissions during a field campaign in Iceland using an offline modeling framework for different dust emission mechanisms
  • Investigate the variability of the particle size distribution of dust emitted by different emission mechanisms
  • Evaluate results against field observations

Start date: as soon as possible
Thesis type: B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis


Sie interessieren sich für Aerosole bzw. Mineralstaub, aber Ihr Wunschthema ist nicht in der Liste? Oder haben Sie Fragen zu den angebotenen Themen? Kontaktieren Sie uns (martina klose does-not-exist.kit edu)!



Absolvierte Themen

Name Titel Art der Arbeit Referent/-in oder Betreuer/-in Ko-Referent/-in Abgabe
Johannes Muschkeit Erarbeitung von Praktikumsversuchen zur
Meteorologie mit der senseBox

Betreuung: Dr. Antje Bergmann, Dr. Martina Klose

Referentin: Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose

apl Prof. Dr. Michael Kunz 10/2024
Carla Holdik (Uni Freiburg) Inferring the speed of particles transported in saltation from field observations with optical gate devices B.Sc. Dr. Martina Klose Prof. Dr. Joachim Dzubiella (Uni Freiburg) 08/2024
Tabea Unser Deriving haboob properties from convection-permitting simulations B.Sc. Dr. Martina Klose Prof. Dr. Peter Knippertz 04/2022
Pedro Gatón Pérez The role of turbulence in Aeolian
M.Sc. Dr. Martina Klose Extern 09/2021