Proposed Topics for Master`s Theses


As of April 2024


Excerpt from the SPO §14 (2): The master’s thesis topic can only be given out by university teachers (“Hochschullehrer(in)”), habilitated scientists, and leading scientists (“leitende(r) Wissenschaftler(in)”) according to Article 14, par. 3, clause 1, KITG. In addition, the examination committee can authorize other examiners to give out the topic according to Article 17, pars. 2-4. The student shall be given the possibility of making proposals for the topic.

This list is an overview of possible topics for your Master's Thesis at IMK. If you are interested in a special research field or like to analyze topics that are not listed here, don't hesitate to contact the respective working group leaders or researchers.


WG Aerosol and Reactive Tracer Modelling, IMKTRO


Dr. Ali Hoshyaripour, Phone: 23244, ali.hoshyaripour∂
Topic Supervision
Aerosol processes and interactions
Optimizing the operator splitting in aerosol dynamics A. Hoshyaripour
Adressing the errors in weather forecasting during aerosol outbreaks: case of Saharan dust outbreack March 2024 A. Hoshyaripour
Adressing the errors in weather forecasting during aerosol outbreaks: case of Portugal wildfires 2024 A. Hoshyaripour
Formation of secondary organic aerosols A. Hoshyaripour
Simulation of pollen episods associated with thunderstorms A. Hoshyaripour
Air quality degredation in EU during aerosol episodes: today and post 2030 A. Hoshyaripour
Mixing of volcanic aerosols with Saharan dust during the La Palma eruption 2021 A. Hoshyaripour
Understanding volcanic mesocyclones  A. Hoshyaripour
Data processing and AI
Validation of desert dust forecast data using satellite and ground measurements (with DWD) A. Hoshyaripour
Analysis of aerosol budgets and trends using model and satellite data (with DWD) A. Hoshyaripour
Parameterization of aerosol emissions using artificial neural network A. Hoshyaripour
Parameterization of aerosol properties and interactions using artificial neural network A. Hoshyaripour
AI-based plume rise model for biomass-burning aerosols (with NASA) A. Hoshyaripour
Tracer transport with convolutional neural network (with DKRZ) A. Hoshyaripour


WG Aerosol Chemistry and Air Quality, IMKAAF


Dr. Harald Saathoff, Phone: 22897, harald.saathoff∂


WG Aerosol-Cloud-Processes, IMKAAF


Dr. Ottmar Möhler, Phone 24287, ottmar.moehler∂
Dr. Kristina Höhler, Phone 28690, kristina.hoehler∂
Dr. Nsikanabasi Umo, Phone 23734, nsikanabasi.umo∂


WG Airborne Cloud Observations


Dr. Emma Järvinen, Phone: 23941, emma.jaervinen∂
Dr. Martin Schnaiter, Phone: 26079, martin.schnaiter∂
Topic Supervision
Habit classification of ice crytsals E. Järvinen, F. Waitz
Photoacoustic Aerosol Absorption Spectroscopy - Characterisation and Application of a Fiber-Coupled System M. Schnaiter


WG Atmospheric Dynamics, IMKTRO


Prof. Dr. Peter Knippertz, Phone: 43565, peter.knippertz∂
Topic Supervision
Data-driven 24-hour probabilistic forecasts of precipitation for Germany

Weather forecasting based on methods of artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field. A recent study from KIT has shown for West Africa that a deterministic 24-hour rainfall forecast using a „convolutional neural network“ architecture, which is then converted into a probabilistic forecast using the new Easy Uncertainty Quantification (EasyUQ) method (Walz et al. 2024), has more skill than any of the conventional numerical weather prediction (NWP) based forecasts tested.  Earlier, work by Little et al. (2009) had shown that simple statistical (Markov) models (Markov-SMGLM) provide better precipitation forecasts than NWP ensembles + post-processing for a one-day lead time over England.  This leads us to assume that a one-day forecast of precipitation based on CNN + EasyUQ could challenge NWP forecasts for Germany, too.  In the Master thesis you will train an existing CNN + EasyUQ model architecture on radar-based precipitation and verify the forecasts against station data from the German Weather Service (DWD).  The thesis will be co-supervised by the group of Prof. T. Gneiting (Computational Statistics).

P. Knippertz


WG Atmospheric Risks, IMKTRO


Prof. Dr. Michael Kunz, Phone: 22840, Email michael.kunz∂
Topic Supervision
Statistische Niederschlagsanalysen im Kontext des Klimawandels für Georgien S. Mohr, M. Kunz
Analyse der Umgebungsbedingungen konvektiver Starkniederschlagsereignisse in Deutschland auf der Grundlage von RADOLAN Daten und Reanalysen S. Mohr, M. Kunz
Tageszeitliche Entwicklung der konvektiven Umgebungsbedingungen basierend auf hoch-aufgelösten COSMO-EU Modellanalysen J. Wilhelm, M. Kunz
Model vs. Observation: Finding reasons for improper ICON model predictions during the Swabian MOSES 2021 field campaign J. Wilhelm, J Quinting


WG Cloud Physics, IMKTRO


Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose , Phone: 43587, corinna.hoose∂
Topic Supervision
Predictability of the 2014 Pentecost storm | Vorhersagbarkeit des Pfingstunwetters 2014 Christian Barthlott, Corinna Hoose
Dependance of  aerosol-cloud interactions on evaporation and low-level humidity | Abhängigkeit von Aerosol-Wolke-Wechselwirkungen von der Verdunstung und Feuchte der unteren Atmosphärenschicht Christian Barthlott, Corinna Hoose
The Competition between Microphysics and Radiation in the Dissipation of Multilayer Arctic Clouds

Gabriella Wallentin, Corinna Hoose


WG Cloud Microphysics, IMKAAF


Dr. Alexei Kiselev, Phone: 26662, Email alexei.kiselev∂
Prof. Dr. Thomas Leisner, Phone: 24865, Email thomas.leisner∂
Topic Supervision
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung von Eiswachstum auf natürlichen Mineraloberflächen A. Kiselev
Eismultiplikation beim Gefrieren unterkühlter Wolkentropfen A. Kiselev, T. Leisner
Kontaktgefrieren levitierter Wolkentropfen N. Hoffmann, A. Kiselev
Charakterisierung von Eiskeimfähigkeit natürlicher Mineralstaubpartikel A. Kiselev, N. Hoffmann


WG Global Modelling, IMKASF


Dr. Roland Ruhnke, Phone: 27497, roland.ruhnke∂
Dr. Björn-Martin Sinnhuber, Phone: 24735, bjoern-martin.sinnhuber∂
Christian Scharun, Phone: 28446, christian.scharun∂
Topics Supervison
Quantifying and modeling methane emissions with the WALLACE workflow Christian Scharun
Analyse der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Treibhausgas Methan und seinem bevorzugten chemischen Reaktionspartner OH Roland Ruhnke
Analyse von Modellsimulationen im Rahmen der internationalen Chemistry Climate Modelling Initiative (CCMI) Björn-Martin Sinnhuber

More Information about the Working Group:


WG Global Land-Ecosystem Modelling, IMKIFU


Prof. Almut Arneth, almut.arneth∂
Will increase CO2 help feed the world?
Description German, English
A. Arneth
How much do fires cost?
Description German, English
A. Arneth


WG Ground-Based FTIR Remote Sensing, IMK-ASF


Dr. Thomas Blumenstock, Phone: 22838, thomas.blumenstock∂
Dr. Matthias Schneider, Phone: 26222, matthias.schneider∂
Topics Supervision
Optimieren des MUSICA MetOp/IASI Satellitenprozessors (H2O, HDO, N2O, CH4, HNO3) und dessen Validierung anhand von NDACC/FTIR und GRUAN Referenzdaten M. Schneider
Klimatologische Vergleiche von gemessener und modellierter Isotopen-Zusammensetzung des troposphärischen Wasserdampfes (MUSICA NDACC/FTIR bodengebundene Fernerkundungsmessdaten versus ECHAM5-wiso und ICON-ART-iso Modelldaten)     M. Schneider, R. Ruhnke (AG, IMK-MOD)

More Information about the Topic:


WG Land Surfaces and Boundary Layer, IMKTRO


Dr. Jan Handwerker, Phone: 22847, jan.handwerker∂
Topic Supervision
Extracting cloud base heights from Doppler-Lidar measurements (Description) A. Wieser, J. Handwerker,
Analysis of Doppler lidar wind profile retrievals during the Swabian-MOSES measurement campaign (Description) Philipp Gasch, Annika Oertel


WG Mesoscale Processes and Predictability, IMKTRO


Dr. Annika Oertel, Phone: 26537, annika.oertel∂
Topic Supervision


WG Meteorological Data Science, IMKTRO


Dr. Julian Quinting, Phone: 26537, julian.quinting∂
Topic Supervision


WG Middle Atmosphere, Solar Variability, Climate, IMKASF


Dr. Miriam Sinnhuber, Phone: 24908, miriam.sinnhuber∂,

Topic Supervision
Atmospheric impact of spacecraft reentry - model studies with ICON-ART M. Sinnhuber


WG Mineral Dust, IMKTRO


Dr. Martina Klose,  martina.klose∂
Topic Supervision
Soiling Forecast of Parabolic Trough Solar Energy Collectors M. Götz / M. Klose
Identifying 3D-turbulence structures from Doppler Lidar data in J-WADI field campaign M. Klose
Dynamics of mineral dust in the inlet of an aerosol spectrometer D. Gatti / M. Klose
Meteorological drivers of dust events during J-WADI field campaign, Jordan 2022 M. Klose
Size-distribution variability of aerodynamically emitted dust M. Klose


Please find more information on our group page.


WG Regional Climate and Weather Hazards, IMKTRO

WG Regional Climate and Weather Hazards



Prof. Dr. Joaquim Pinto, Phone 28467 or 43357, joaquim.pinto∂


Dr. Patrick Ludwig, Phone 24942, patrick.ludwig∂
Dr. Alexandre Ramos, Phone 22805, alexandre.ramos∂
Hendrik Feldmann, Phone 22802, hendrik.feldmann∂
M.Sc. Kim Stadelmaier, Tel. 23952, kim.stadelmaier∂
M.Sc. Marie Hundhausen, Tel. 28715, marie.hundhausen∂

Topic Supervision
Long-term changes in the main Euro-Atlantic large-scale circulation indices during the Holocene A. Ramos, P. Ludwig, J. Pinto
Impact of Caspian Sea water levels on the regional climate during the last glacial cycle K. Stadelmaier, P. Ludwig, J. Pinto
The climatic water balance in convection-permitting climate models
Project: ISAP 2
Description / Beschreibung
M. Hundhausen, H. Feldmann, J. Pinto
Exploring the impact of future Atmospheric Rivers in Western Europe from a storyline perspective A. Ramos, P. Ludwig


WG Remote sensing using aircraft and balloons, IMKASF


PD Dr. Michael Höpfner, Phone: 25948, michael.hoepfner∂
Felix Friedl-Vallon, Phone: 24834, felix.friedl-vallon∂
Dr. Wolfgang Woiwode, Phone: 23024, wolfgang.woiwode∂
Sören Johansson, Phone: 26971, soeren.johansson∂
We offer:

Analysis of various aircraft and balloon-borne remote sensing experiments from the upper troposphere to the middle stratosphere and their interpretation, with,  e.g., chemical / climate models.

Topic Supervision G. Wetzel, M. Höpfner


WG Research data management, IT & Interactions in the atmospheric system, IMKASF


Prof. Dr. Peter Braesicke, Phone: 22191, peter.braesicke∂
Topics Supervision
Thermal Tropopause P. Braesicke
Quasi-biennial Oscillation(QBO) in 2016 P. Braesicke
The trace gas fingerprint of the Indian Summer Monsoon P. Braesicke
Exchange Processes between Troposphere and Stratosphere P. Braesicke
Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Thessaloniki, Greece P. Braesicke, F. Hase


WG Satellite Climatology, IMKASF and IPF


Prof. Dr. Jan Cermak, Phone: 24510/43675, jan.cermak∂
Folke Olesen, Phone: 22109, folke.olesen∂
Dr. Frank Göttsche, Phone: 23821, frank.goettsche∂
Topics Supervisors
Satellite remote sensing of Namib-region fog J. Cermak, H. Andersen
Generation of land-cover maps from thermal surface parameters and vegetation indices F. Göttsche
Development of a technique to detect and predict fog dissipation based on satellite observations J. Cermak
Infrared spectroscopy of selected surfaces (Namibia or Germany) for satellite data validation F. Olesen


WG Tropical Meteorology, IMKTRO


Prof. Dr. Andreas Fink, Phone: 48711, andreas.fink∂

Topics Supervisors
A. H. Fink, M. Maranan

Analysis of a changing water balance in south-west Germany

The master thesis is part of a co-operation between the KIT (meteorology and climate research) and the University of Heidelberg (hydrology and climatology). Simulated time series of the water balance of south-west Germany are available from the hydrological model TRAIN (University of Heidelberg). The analysis will focus on the evaluation of drought events in recent decades. In addition to precipitation and air temperature, the development of soil moisture, groundwater recharge and evaporation will be analyzed. Subsequently, the possible future development of the water balance in the study area will be visualized using spatially high-resolution climate scenarios, which are used to drive TRAIN. In this step, particularly dry phases are also analyzed in more detail and the changes between historical and expected future conditions are worked out.  If you are interested and need more details please send an e-mail to andreas.fink∂

A. H. Fink (KIT)

L. Menzel (University of Heidelberg)