Dr. rer. nat. Florian Ehmele
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Raum: 517
CN 435 - Tel.: +49 721 608-22805
- florian ehmele ∂ kit edu
- www.imk-tro.kit.edu/7144.php
Research Interests
- extreme weather (e.g. heavy precipitation, floods)
- statistical methods, stochastic simulations
- long term variations and trends of extreme events
- modelling
Current Projects
- "Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer World" (SCENIC) link
- "Regionale Informationen zum Klimahandeln (RegIKlim)"/"Nutzbare lokale Klimainformationen" (NUKLEUS) link
Past Projects
- Extreme weather events under recent climate conditions, focus on heavy precipitation and major floods events. Aon Impact Forcasting.
- FloRis link
Curriculum Vitae
- since 2018: Research Associate, IMK-TRO, KIT, Germany
- 2014-2017: PhD Student, KIT, Germany
- 2013-2014: Research Associate, KIT, Germany
- 2007-2013: Diploma in Meteorology, KIT, Germany
- since 2019:Methods of Data Analysis, Practicals (M.Sc)
- SS 2019: Meteorological practicum 1 (B.Sc.)
- SS 2012 - SS 2016: Meteorological practicum 1 (B.Sc.)
Sonstige Publikationen
- CEDIM FDA Report No. 1: Hochwasser Mitteleuropa, Juni 2021 (Deutschland) link
- CEDIM FDA Report No. 1: High Water/ Flooding (Southern Germany) May/June 2016 link
Ehmele F (2018): Stochastische Simulation großflächiger, hochwasserrelevanter Niederschlagsereignisse.
Ehmele F (2013): Auswirkungen thermischer und dynamischer Wechselwirkungen benachbarter Inseln auf den konvektiven Niederschlag.