Begutachtete Zeitschriftenbeiträge

vor 1990


  • Belitz, H.-J., Ch. Kottmeier *, R. Hartig H.-U. Stuckenberg
    Zur aerodynamischen Rauhigkeit arktischer Meereisflächen.
    Meteor. Rundsch., 40:97-107, 1987.(*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)

  • Beheng, K.D., Doms, G.
    A general formulation of collection rates of cloud and raindrops using the kinetic equation and comparison with parameterizations
    Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 59, 66 - 84 (1986)


  • Beheng, K.D.
    Numerical simulation of graupel development
    J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 683 -689 (1978)


  • Beheng, K.D., Herbert, F.
    Mathematical studies on the aerosol concentration in drops changing due to particle scavenging and redistribution by coagulation.
    Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 35, 212 - 219 (1986)


  • Beheng, K.D.
    On the effect of various drop size spectra on the spectral scavenging coefficient calculated by an approximate semi-analytical scheme
    Meteor. Rdsch., 39, 93 - 97 (1986)


  • David, F., Kottmeier, Ch. *
    Ein Beispiel für eine Hügelüberströmung mit nahezu kritischer Froudezahl.
    Meteor. Rdsch., 39:133-138, (1986)
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Fiedler, F., Panofski, H. A.
    The geostrophic drag coefficient and the ’effective’ roughness length
    Quart. J. R. Met. Soc., 98:213-220. (1972)


  • Fiedler, F.
    Turbulenter Spannungs- und Deformationstensor in der Prandtl-Schicht
    Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 48:290-300. (1975)


  • Herbert, F., Beheng, K.D.
    Scavenging of airborne particles by collision with water drops - Model studies on the combined effect of essential microdynamic mechanisms
    Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 35, 201 - 211 (1986)


  • Herbert, F., Roos, M., Beheng, K.D.
    Ein Modellexperiment zum Auswaschen von Teilchen durch Wolken- und Regentropfen
    Meteor. Rdsch., 36, 130 - 134 (1983)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Meyer, H.-H.
    Ein einfaches analytisches Modell zur Darstellung der Zirkulation in Europa im Weichsel-Hochglazial.
    Erdkunde, 42, 1988.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Stuckenberg, H.-U.
    A quasi-geostrophic flow solution for the circulation over Antarctica.
    Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 59:491-504, 1986.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *
    Shallow gravity flows over the Ekström ice shelf.
    Bound.-Layer Meteor., 35:1-20, (1986)
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *
    Boundary layer flow characteristics at the Georg von Neumayer Antarctic station in summer 1983.
    J. Geophys. Res., 90, 1985.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *
    Strukturierte Temperaturprofile bei sehr stabiler Schichtung.
    Meteorol. Rundschau, 37:129-138, 1984.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Roth, R., Hartig, R.
    Atmospheric forcing of sea ice motion in the Weddell-Gyre (Antarctic).
    Ann. Geophys., 6, 1988.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Lege, D, Roth, R.
    Ein Meßsystem zur Sondierung der planetaren Grenzschicht.
    Meteorol. Rundschau, 33, 1980.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Belitz, H.-J.
    Meteorological research using a high mast on the Antarctic ice shelf.
    Marine technology, 1:5-10, 1987.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *
    The influence of baroclinity and stability on the wind and temperature conditions at the Georg von Neumayer Antarctic station.
    Tellus, 38A:263-276, 1986.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *
    Die Vertikalstruktur nächtlicher Grenzschichtstrahlströme.
    Inst. f. Meteorologie und Klimatologie Univ. Hannover, 1982
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *
    Trajektorien unter Einfluß eines nächtlichen Grenzschichtstrahlstroms.
    Meteorol. Rundschau, 31:129-133, 1978.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Lege, D., Roth, R.
    Nächtliche Windmaxima in der Grenzschicht über der norddeutschen Tiefebene.
    Ann. Meteorol., 16, 1980.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Kottmeier, Ch. *, Engelbart, D.
    Generation and atmospheric heat exchange of coastal polynyas in the Weddell Sea.
    Boundary Layer Meteorol., 60:207-234, 1992.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Lüpkes, C., Beheng, K.D., Doms, G.
    A parameterization scheme for simulating collision/coalescence of water drops.
    Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 62, 289 - 306 (1989)


  • Müller, D., Etling, D.,Kottmeier, Ch. *, Roth, R.
    On the occurrence of cloud streets over Northern Germany.
    Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 111, 1985.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)


  • Roth, R., Kottmeier, Ch. *, Lege, D.
    Die lokale Feinstruktur eines Grenzschichtstrahlstromes.
    Meteorol. Rundschau, 32, 1979.
    (*  during affiliation at Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Hannover)