Here you can find recent news from the RG Mineral Dust. For older announcements, please visit our News-Archive.
Dust-DN recruits 17 doctoral candidates (including one at KIT)
New project: Doctoral Network on Atmospheric Dust
“EE meets EP” – Helmholtz Program “Earth and Environment” meets European Parliament
A delegation of researchers from seven Helmholtz centers traveled to Brussels to engage with political and other stakeholders around the European Union
The hard core of clouds
Laboratory campaign investigates the efficiency of large mineral dust particles to nucleate cloud ice.
On the track of the secret of giant dust particles
Unprecendented international field campaign in Jordan starts.
Open postdoc position on mineral dust modeling
In the context of the EU project NextGEMS and the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Mineral Dust”, you contribute to developing a next-generation Earth system model and to determining the role of mineral dust in the climate system.