Have past weather extremes been affected by climate change? Will future weather extremes change in intensity, frequency and spatial location due to climate change? The researchers of the BMBF measure ClimXtreme presented their results.
Helmholtz Challenge #156
Title: Meteorological, impact and climate perspectives of the 29 June 2017 heavy precipitation event in the Berlin metropolitan area
Title: Swabian MOSES 2021: An interdisciplinary field campaign for investigating convective storms and their event chains
SZ in conversation with Susanna Mohr (in German).
In parts of Europe, thunderstorm activity decreased over the last two decades. Large-scale processes could be an explanation for this.
CEDIM in conversation with the journal "Hydrologie & Wasserbewirtschaftung (HyWa)" about the collaboration between meteorologists and hydrologists and about the Eifel flood in July 2021 (in German)
Michael Kunz and Susanna Mohr in an NZZ contribution about the consequences of increasing severe storms (starting at 20:55)
Title: A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exceptional flood event of July 2021 in central Europe. Part 2: Historical context and relation to climate change
New Studies on the 2021 Floods in the Eifel Region and on Future Trends of Such Extreme Events
to press release
One year has passed since the flood disaster in the Ahr valley. What are the most important advances that have been initiated in dealing with flash floods? Are there important areas where too little progress has been made? Researchers, including Michael Kunz and Susanna Mohr, address these and other questions in the Helmholtz Flood Focus:
From May 30 to June 2, 2022, CEDIM together with KIT spin-off Risklayer presented their work on disaster research at Hannover Messe.
PART1 of the July Flood 2021 two-paper series "A multi-disciplinary analysis of the exceptional flood event of July 2021 in central Europe" was selected by the NHESS editors as a Highlight Paper.
From May 30 to June 2, 2022, KIT presents selected highlights from risk research at the Hannover Messe. Susanna Mohr, General Manager of the CEDIM, presents the contributions of the CEDIM during the press preview of the Hannover Messe 2022.
As part of the new LookKIT magazine issue, Michael Kunz, spokesperson for CEDIM, looks back on 20 years of disaster research (from p. 14).