Filmmaker Torsten Mehltretter joined our storm-chasing team for a documentary for ARTE (in German).
In Europe and Germany there is a rising interest in tornadoes, but how do the whirlwinds form?
Michael Kunz in the weekly review Stuttgart (in German)
The LIFT research project aims to improve hail forecasting; Michale Kunz in an interview with Stefan Fuchs from Campus-Radio (in German).
Clusters of different hydro-meteorological extremes occur particularly in the summer and are only statistically significant with an event definition of a fixed length.
Do hail suppression by aircraft protect against storm damage? This has not been scientifically proven, according to hail researcher Michael Kunz in an SWR report.
While the flood was still in progress, CEDIM researchers carried out an initial historical classification of the event and categorized regions according to the degree of expected damage.
Participation in the ClimXtreme PostAG report
Hailstorms cause considerable damage again and again. The 4th European Hail Workshop was held at KIT in March 2024 to inform and discuss the current state of hail research and to identify new possible solutions.
The new edition of the book "Klimawandel in Deutschland" shows the challenges of climate change in Germany and offers approaches for adaptation
Valuable data for the insurance industry: Satellite data is used to estimate the spatial distribution and return periods of hail.