IMK-TRO is in possession of two photometer, which are components of the global measuring network AERONET. While one unit is permanently installed in the main administration building of the KIT Campus North, the other is applied as part of KITcubes at various measurement campaigns. Depending on session, the photometer follows the sun respectively the moon, powered by electric engines for azimuth and zenith. For irradiance measurements of light sources, for example, the aerosol optical thickness is derived for certain wavelenghts. By polarizing filter information the nature and form of aersosols can also be obtained.
KIT Campus Nord | KITcube |
Die folgende Grafik zeigt die gemessene optische Dicke des Aerosols am 1. August 2014 während der DESERVE-Messkampagne in Masada, Israel.
Technische Daten
Messgenauigkeit der Irradianz: | < 0.1% |
Gesichtsfeld: | 1.3° |
Spektralbereich: | 340 - 1640 nm |
Mechanische Genauigkeit der Position: | 0.003° |
Genauigkeit des Nachführsystems: | 0.01° |
Leistungsverbrauch: | < 2 W |
Gesamtgewicht mit Unterbau: | 25 kg |
Stromversorgung: | autonom durch Solarpanel |
Moden: | Sonne, Himmel, Mond |
Temperatur: | -30 bis 70 °C |
Relative Feuchte: | 0 bis 100% |