Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Fink joins the CLIVAR-GEWEX Monsoons Panel for a three-year term from 31 January 2019 to 31 December 2021

Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Fink (IMK-TRO) has been invited to join the CLIVAR-GEWEX Monsoons Panel for the period 31 January 2019 to 31 December 2021. The Monsoons panel is a joint committee of two projects of the World Meteorological Organization’s World Climate Research Programme: The “Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change” (CLIVAR) and “Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX)” projects.

Dr. Fink has been nominated as a member of the panel in view of expertise and experience of the West African and Southeast Asian monsoon systems. One the panel’s major mission is to coordinate research on the World’s major monsoon systems: the Asia-Australian, the West African and American monsoons. Particular foci are on the roles of ocean-atmosphere interaction, the land surface and moist convection. With respect to the latter, Dr. Fink can bring in his expertise as one of the world’s leading experts with regard to the climatology, dynamics and predictability of rainfall systems in the West African monsoon region. Further information on Panel's Terms of Reference and reports of recent meetings can be found on the CLIVAR web site